Plastic bags frequently appear in all our places. Our food packaging bags, wide bags and zipper bags are all plastic bags. Plastic bag is a bag made of plastic (commonly used plastics include polypropylene, polyester, nylon, etc.) as the main raw material. It is an essential item in people's daily life and is often used to hold other items. It is widely used because of its low cost, light weight, large capacity and easy storage. How should we design plastic bags to make them more popular?
1. Exquisite packaging bag, although this is our purpose, we should not ignore the original products. Especially for food, we should not ignore it. In addition, although our packaging looks very novel and unique, we should not exaggerate the publicity. We say there are some things we don't explicitly include. What we say is not explicitly included. This will violate the original intention of our packaging design, not only can not play a good role, but also there may be many problems, which is meaningless.

2. The exquisite packaging bag design shall be consistent with the interior of the product. There are many kinds of products, such as construction products, agricultural and sideline products, all kinds of food, etc. There are too many products. Different types of products shall use designed packaging bags.
If we use food packaging bags on buildings or agricultural and sideline products, it will bring consumers a very uncomfortable feeling, and people will have a sense of distrust of the opposite products. Even if we look at the packaging bags at first glance, they will not understand what the products are. This is found through our market and interview survey.
3. The exquisite packing bag shall be clearly marked on some detailed information and parameters. No matter how gorgeous the outer packaging is, the packaging bag should first mark various parameters to make it a qualified packaging bag. Because some products do have some particularity. Once there is a problem, it will be harmful to human body. If some expired products enter the market, they will do harm to people without any profit. Therefore, we should at least put it on it. Ingredients, warranty date and delivery date are printed on the packaging bag.
The wonderful contents of this article are provided by Jinan plastic bag. There are many wonderful contents on this website. You can click to enter more contents: http://ssxx10.com We have special customer service to answer your questions