Now when designing plastic bags, we need to consider the needs of consumers, so we should pay attention to it when designing. Watson packaging Xiaobian will give you a brief analysis of the requirements of consumers now.
With the wide use of plastic bags, the needs of consumers do not just stay in simple use. Many consumers also have certain requirements for all aspects of products. Plastic bag factories have also carried out some columns of design and production to meet the needs of consumers. The following is a brief introduction to the requirements:
1. Wear resistance; It is convenient to use repeatedly. With the enhancement of environmental protection awareness, the reuse of plastic bags has become the habit of many consumers, so it is necessary to have certain wear resistance
2. Printed patterns; Convenience bags in the general market do not have many requirements for printing design, but some packaging bags have requirements. Exquisite design patterns not only attract consumers visually, but also help product sales. This aspect plays an increasingly important role.

3. Tightness; Different packages of goods have different requirements for the degree of sealing. However, under normal circumstances, products that need to be sealed usually have wet and moldy characteristics. Therefore, most industries generally have high requirements for the sealing performance of packaging bags.
4. Practicability; For the design and production of packaging bags, Hengxiang, a plastic bag manufacturer, reminds customers to take full consideration of the use, such as the environment, the use of commercial property, transportation and storage environment. We should also consider whether it is food packaging and whether it is harmless to human health.
5. Preservation; According to different commodity conditions of users, select appropriate materials and reasonable proportion, and design and manufacture plastic bags suitable for different industries. For example, some plastic products are afraid of direct sunlight for a long time, which has a negative impact on the preservation of products. The industry can improve and develop in this regard.